Protecting the value of your business can be just as important generating cash or fueling growth since business-specific risk is one of the key factors in any business valuation. Therefore, every business owner should be concerned with de-risking their business. Some questions you should ask in this regard are:
- Do I have adequate visibility of my financials (and more importantly) my cash flow?
- Do I know how worse than expected scenarios would impact the viability of my business?
- Are there adequate internal controls in place ay my business to prevent fraud?
- Do I have the appropriate insurance to protect myself and my business?
- If I have business partners, do I have an appropriate shareholder’s agreement in place and how are buy-outs calculated? How are they funded? Has the agreement considered each of the Five Ds (Death, Disability, Divorce, Disaster, and Disagreement)?
- Have I adequate planned for contingencies and business succession?
- Have I strategically analyzed my business to address macro trends in industry and micro trends within my business that could negatively impact my business?
Through our Value Gap Analysis™ and Enterprise Value Assessment™, a thorough assessment will be made as to the weak links in your business and help you prioritize an action plan to de-risk your business over the next 12-24 months. Through our Value Acceleration program, we will work with you on a monthly or quarterly basis to help you de-risk your business and thus improve its value and attractiveness, and more importantly, give you some piece of mind.
Through our Corporate Finance services, we can provide you with CFO Advisory services that will provide you with better visibility for better strategic decision making so you can better protect your shareholder value and strategically pivot either towards growth or an exit.